Looking Back to Move Forward

This past Sunday at Lifepointe I did a message called Big in 2012. It was a look back at four big ideas of messages and series from 2012. It was an attempt to look back at some of the points that really resonated with people so that we could move forward into 2013 stronger.

There seems to be this stigma with the past. That we should always keep our eyes forward and not allow the past to affect the decisions we make today and tomorrow. And while I agree with that on some level…I think we have to be careful not to discredit the past.

I do think it’s dangerous to dwell in the past so much so that it inhibits you from making decisions or moving forward because of it, but I also think acknowledging the past can help us make better decisions now.

This can get tricky. What if your past sucks? What if 2012 was hell on earth for you? Wouldn’t you want to just forget this past year and move forward like it never happened? Maybe not.

I think pain is one of the greatest teachers in life. If we see pain as something to run from as opposed to something to learn from we will miss one of life’s greatest opportunities. So, look back at that painful year and learn from it. Don’t do the things that lead to that pain. Change. Grow from it. Become stronger because of it. Don’t let it hinder you today.

If we can learn from our experiences, good and bad, in 2012, then 2013 can be the start of an incredible life.

Learn and grow.

May 2013 be a year filled with experiences that you both enjoy and those you don’t. Use the ones you enjoy to be reminded of the good in this world and use the ones that you don’t enjoy to learn, grow and gain a greater appreciation for the good ones.

  1. So true AJ. It reminds me of the old school Pitfall game. I remember playing it over and over again, which helped me remember where each pit was. Eventually, I could skip over many levels with ease, because I anticipated. Your post reminds me of this, thanks my friend. Well said.

    • Thanks man…love that example. Being able to anticipate things because you’ve experienced them before is a huge step in growing and learning from the past.

  2. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Wise words. You have to look back and learn to move forward. Thanks for sharing, AJ!

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